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Salmon Run 三文鱼回流

Alice Han 雨霏

每年九月到十月是三文鱼回流的日子,这周叔叔就带我们去了Port Hope小镇看著名的三文鱼回流。早在去之前叔叔便向我们形容过那壮观的景象:成千上万的三文鱼为了产下自己的孩子,长途跋涉历尽艰辛回到自己出生的地方,一层压着一层逆流而上。然而当我们到达观看地点时却发现那里只有寥寥几十条三文鱼。这一定是因为每年人类都借此机会大量捕捞三文鱼,因此他们也渐渐不再回到这个地方……那里有一个类似于瀑布的地方,只有跳上去才能到达终点。可那瀑布却有两米高,水流也更加湍急。我们看着他们一次次跃出水面跳上瀑布又一次次失败。他们狠狠的撞在旁边的水泥墙上,休息一会铆足了劲再一次跳起却始终无法跳上瀑布。我似乎都能感受到他们的疼痛并发自内心的为他们感到难过,想要帮助他们却又无能为力。虽然我们没有看到像叔叔形容的那样壮观的景象,但是当我看到他们逆流而上的跃起却一次又一次的失败时,就更加觉得他们真是太可怜了,他们为了产下自己的孩子,长途跋涉,这是多么伟大的举动啊!希望人类可以善待、保护动物,不要让他们失去自己的家园!

Salmon Run

Every September to October is the day for the return of salmon. This week, my uncle took us to the town of Port Hope to see the famous salmon return. Before going there, my uncle described the spectacular scene to us: in order to give birth to their own children, thousands of salmon have traveled long distances to return to the place where they were born, layer by layer against the current. However, when we got to the viewing spot, there were only a few dozen salmon. This must be because every year humans take this opportunity to fish for salmon in large quantities, so they gradually stop coming back to this place... There is a place similar to a waterfall, and you can only reach the end by jumping on it. But the waterfall is two meters high, and the current is even more turbulent. We watched them jump out of the water again and again and up the waterfall and fail again and again. They slammed into the concrete wall next to them, rested for a while, and jumped again with all their strength, but they still couldn't jump on the waterfall. I can seem to feel their pain and feel sorry for them from the bottom of my heart, trying to help them but not being able to. Although we didn't see the spectacular sight as described by my uncle, when I saw them jumping against the current and failing again and again, I felt even more pitiful for them. They wanted to give birth to their own children. , to travel long distances, what a great move! Hope that human beings can treat and protect animals, and don't let them lose their homes!

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