Recently, I heard a little story about the unchanging ethics of popularity in ancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a Wang Zhongcheng, who was an official with clean sleeves and a spotless appearance. One day, I checked the treasury and found a surplus of 340,000 taels with no owner.
Because the country has not been at war for a long time, the army has a small number and a large salary. The old friend knew that he was a clean and honest official, and advised him to keep 40,000 taels for the plan of his descendants and report the rest. This money is neither to take the people's ointment, nor to invade the national treasury. Wang Zhongcheng smiled and said, "Isn't it a pity that she is like a widow who keeps the 30th anniversary of the festival and changes the festival for the sake of her children and grandchildren?" People praised Wang Zhongcheng as a rare true gentleman. Later, he served as the county governor, and his grandsons were even in the middle, and his family was prosperous for a long time.
Not embezzling public funds and being a clean person is easy in one year or two, but difficult in ten or eight years. What's more, he doesn't move large sums, does not encroach on small sums, and keeps his conscience for 30 years. Compared to myself, I am really ashamed. This kind of perseverance is really an inspiration to me. Usually pay attention to suppressing their bad thoughts, refreshing and paying attention, restraining and restraining also feel tired. Sometimes I don't want to stick to it, I want to indulge it and enjoy the pleasure of "downstream". But this is actually irresponsible to yourself, you should persevere and persevere. I hope that the evil thoughts will gradually become less and less, and one day will disappear, and it is natural to treat others with kindness.
On weekends, my sister plans to make our own mung bean cakes to eat. So I soaked mung beans in a glass pot in advance. In the afternoon, we helped to remove the mung bean skin together. To ensure that the peeled mung beans are intact, we have explored several reliable methods of peeling. Rub with your hands, press with a wooden spatula, and gently roll with a rolling pin. Drain the water, press, and pick the skin. It was a long and arduous process, the shoulders gradually became sour, and it was only after a few hours that we managed to scrape together a pot of skinless mung beans.
Enjoyment is easy, labor is difficult, and food is hard work. I really admire the craftsmen who have been using traditional craftsmanship for many years. They can resist the temptation of the machine and insist on dedicating the original taste to the customers. Amazing, really hard work!