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Celia Yang 紫晨


初到加拿大时叔叔和姐姐说两年前的加拿大,陌生人在路上散步时都会微笑着和对方打招呼,之前没有真正的经历过,但是这段时间我真正的体会到了来自外国友人的热情和善良。在几个月前,人们不再因为疫情而需要无时无刻带口罩出门了。早上出去喂鸟时,我们总是能遇到散步或者遛狗的路人。记得有一次我们在晨跑的时候遇到了一位老爷爷,由于人行道比较窄,所以我们往旁边让了一点。老爷爷看到之后微笑着对我们说:“Good morning”。还有一次我们在周六捡垃圾,有一位老爷爷牵着他的狗狗遛弯儿。看到我们时他问:“你们是志愿者吗”。在我们回答“是”之后,他对我们竖起了大拇指“good”,并不断的说“Thank you!”。这些事情在中国我是从来没有经历过的。在中国,如果出门真的遇见陌生人对自己微笑着打招呼,大家普遍的第一反应会是认为这个人“不正常”,或对自己有所图谋。但是这些事情在外国却是极其正常的。诸如此类的事情已经不知道发生过多少次了,大家都相互传递着友好和善良,让这个世界变得更加美好。

When I first arrived in Canada, uncle and sister said that in Canada two years ago, strangers would greet each other with a smile when they were walking on the road. I had never really experienced it before, but during this time, I really experienced the warmth and kindness of foreign friends. . A few months ago, people stopped wearing masks all the time because of the epidemic. When we go out to feed the birds in the morning, we always run into passersby who are walking or walking their dogs. I remember one time we met an old man during a morning jog. Because the sidewalk was narrow, we gave way to the side. After seeing it, the old grandpa smiled and said to us: "Good morning". Another time we were picking up trash on a Saturday, and an old man took his dog for a walk. When he saw us he asked, "Are you volunteers?" After we answered "yes", he gave us a thumbs up "good" and kept saying "Thank you!". I have never experienced these things in China. In China, if you go out and meet a stranger who greets you with a smile, your general first reaction will be to think that this person is "not normal" or that he has something against you. But these things are extremely normal in foreign countries. I don't know how many times this kind of thing has happened, and everyone is passing on friendship and kindness to each other, making the world a better place.



This week I really felt how much fun it is to not complain in a world. We started school this week, and I needed to complete some homework in my spare time, but at the same time I also needed to complete the recitation of "New Concepts". After finishing homework in Yufei one afternoon, I gave my computer to do my homework. I wanted to endorse her first, so I rejected her, and at the same time complained about Yu Fei in my heart. At the beginning, I fell into the complaining mood of "I can't endorse it first, why let me do my homework first", I just felt that I was very irritable and I couldn't calm down and continue the endorsement anyway. When I realized this, I started to calm down and use the method my uncle taught us to change our thinking. I began to think that Yu Fei usually treats me well: she often rushes to do homework so that I have time to complete it, worrying that I don't understand the subject, will give me a lot of reminder information... Suddenly I found that my inner complaint disappeared without a trace , replaced by full of moving, and even feel sour nose. Then I went to Yufei to finish the homework. When my heart is not complaining, I really feel relieved and happy. And while writing this news, I suddenly realized what a trivial thing it is, and it's not worth complaining about! ! !

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