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Kaiyuan Yang 愷元


February is going to pass; spring thus has some sign to come, snow sometimes mixed with rain and temperature also slowly rising; however, outside now again snow fell, making me a little confused about the weather. Unconsciously, some book have been read; some other books then come. During the time, application of university is also going to end, which requires only the letter from Wisconsin. And Tom still practices his piano, Mountain still his calligraphy, and others still other things, with time bit by bit flowing away, at times peaceful, at times not, but still we go to a bright future little by little under uncle’s education, like the transient snow, cannot stop the spring from coming.


School is getting more and more neat and beautiful now. From the start we came, it had not been furbished a bit, so everywhere is dirty and shabby with insects like spiders scrawling on the ground and making homes here. But not, not only it had been printed and cleaned, but many things like ceilings are being replaced by new ones, making it look hopeful. Visiting, you may think, this room is where the students will live, that is the library, this is where the classroom will be, and that green could be made into something, perhaps a football field, which in winter will turn into a sliding field. Then our neighbors will be curious, thinking that this shabby place could turn into such an appearance, so amazing that I need to visit and look around.

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