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Grace Guan 雯雯

猫 Cat

在发生自然灾害时,所有猫中大概有 40% 会出现反常的举动(而狗只有 25%)。在我们的常识里,猫应该远远没有狗对人的忠诚度高。可真到了发生灾害的时候,反而是猫更加拼命地发出叫声,或者故意打翻东西制造声响,不顾自己的安危,也要固执地把主人叫醒。

下面是我在《猫书》中看到的一个关于猫预知能力的例子。这是日本作家宇佐和通在一次采访中听说的奇闻:住在日本东京都北区的出租车司机 A 先生,在商场的停车场里发现了一只瘦弱的幼猫。看见小家伙不停地颤抖,十分可怜,A先生决定把它带回家,并且专门买来羊奶给它喝。久而久之,小家伙就在 A 先生家住下了。

A 先生非常喜欢这只猫,给它取名为“高兴”(happy)每天早上A 先生出车之前,小“高兴”都会一路追过来,然后跳进车里。直到让 A 先生摸摸头以后,才心满意足地乖乖离开。

然而有一天,在日常保留节目结束后,小“高兴”却怎么也不肯从车里出去。不管怎么抚摩小家化的脑袋和下巴,都无济于事。眼看着上班要迟到了,不耐烦的 A 先生干脆抱起 “高兴”,想要把它强行带出车外,没想到小家伙伸出瓜子,死命揪住车里的地毯,依然赖着不走。A 先生觉得非常奇怪,正想着“到底是怎么回事儿”,突然间,他面前的道路上沖过来一辆失控的大卡车,卡车在滑行了 30 米后头撞上了路边的團墙。根据事后的调查,是因为这辆卡车刹车失灵,才酿成了这起事故。

假如 A 先生像往常一样准时出车,毫无疑问会被卷入这场故。A 先生这时回头一看,小“高兴”早就恢复了平静,像没事人一样主动从车里跳了出去。“这小家伙难道早就知道要出事,才拼命赖着不走,把我拦住的?”A 先生庆辛着死里逃生,不禁回想起刚刚发生的一切。


Approximately 40% of all cats behave erratically during a natural disaster (compared to only 25% of dogs). In our common sense, cats should be far less loyal to people than dogs. But when a disaster does occur, the cat will meow even more desperately, or deliberately knock over things to make noise, regardless of its own safety, but will stubbornly wake up the owner.

Below is an example of cats’ precognitive abilities that I saw in the Cat Book. This is an anecdote that Japanese writer Usa Watichi heard in an interview: Mr. A, a taxi driver living in Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan, found an emaciated kitten in the parking lot of a shopping mall. Seeing that the little guy was trembling constantly and looking very pitiful, Mr. A decided to take it home and specially bought goat milk for it to drink. Over time, the little guy settled in Mr. A’s house.

Mr. A liked this cat very much and named it "Happy". Every morning before Mr. A got out of the car, the little "Happy" would chase him all the way and jump into the car. Only after letting Mr. A touch his head did he leave with satisfaction.

However, one day, after the daily repertoire ended, little "Gao Xing" refused to get out of the car. No matter how much he stroked Xiao Jiahua's head and chin, it didn't help. Seeing that he was going to be late for work, the impatient Mr. A simply picked up "Happy" and tried to force it out of the car. Unexpectedly, the little guy stretched out the melon seeds and grabbed the carpet in the car desperately, and still refused to leave. . Mr. A felt very strange and was thinking, "What on earth is going on?" Suddenly, an out-of-control large truck rushed over on the road in front of him. The truck slid 30 meters and then hit the wall on the roadside. . According to the subsequent investigation, the accident was caused by the failure of the truck's brakes.

If Mr. A had driven out on time as usual, he would undoubtedly have been involved in the accident. Mr. A looked back and saw that little "Happy" had long since regained his composure and jumped out of the car as if nothing had happened. "Did this little guy know something was going to happen a long time ago, so he tried his best to stop me?" Mr. A celebrated his escape and couldn't help but recall everything that had just happened.

People always think of cats as cold, selfish creatures who don't care about others and only care about their own feelings. But this is not the case. Everything in the world has a spirit. Every creature, no matter how big or small, has its own consciousness and emotions. When we treat them with care, they will respond to our sincere emotions in their own way. So put aside your prejudice and arrogance, and let us feel the beauty of the world with a sincere heart.

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