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Celia Yang 紫晨

抱怨 Complain


Growing up, complaining became my most basic way of thinking. Ever since I was little, I would complain and worry about anything that didn't go as well as I wanted. Some time ago, I always complained when I was doing things. I only saw the work I was doing, and I always felt that I had a lot of work. During that time, I was in a bad mood every day, and all kinds of negative thoughts continued to circulate in my mind. There is also inefficiency when working, and doing things unwillingly leads to wasting more time, which in turn creates feelings of complaining. But my uncle kept reminding us to look at things from other people's perspective. Everyone has a lot to do, and we can't always calculate our own gains and losses. After my uncle’s constant reminders, I also began to reflect on and adjust my mentality when doing things. During this time, I found that I was slowly able to see the work done by others. Everyone has many things to do of their own. I have also changed my way of thinking when working: I no longer regard working as a waste of my time, but truly think that working is improving my abilities. When working, I will find ways to improve my efficiency. For example, when washing the dishes, I will set a time for myself. For example, I will finish all the dishes in ten minutes and start cleaning the stove. And every time I complete the work within the specified time, I will be very happy. Gradually, I found that my work efficiency has improved a lot, and I am in a good mood. Complaining is really a very bad habit and way of thinking. The outcome of anything depends on our own mentality. When we look at things and problems with positive thinking, we will also get positive feedback.

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