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Bowei Zhou 博威

小康与大同Well-off and Great harmony







但是随着社会的发展变化,大道衰微,人类道德普遍下滑,私心私欲日重。正所谓“大道既隐,天下为家,各亲其亲,各子其子”。因而人们需要遵循“礼义以为纪”,“如有不如此者,在势者去,众以为殃,是谓小康。”因为大道已经隐去,人们只是把自己的亲人当作亲人,把自己的孩子当作孩子,关爱不再遍及他人,所以必须遵循礼仪纲纪。如果有人不遵从礼义规范,人们就会把他当作祸害使他陷入孤立,这就是小康。 - 文章節選


Well-off and Great Harmony

I read an article a few days ago, which made me clearly understand the truth of well-off and great harmony.

The article said: when it comes to well-off, many people will first think of slogans such as "well-off society" and "all-round poverty alleviation", while Datong is considered to be a socialist society with "extremely rich material". Confucius pointed out that Datong in ancient China was a society in which "the world is the same as the world is for the common people".

In fact, Xiaokang and Great Harmony are relative concepts, which were recorded as early as in "Book of Rites: Li Yun". Once, Confucius climbed onto a high platform and lamented that he had not caught up with the era of Yao, Shun and Yu, and regretted that he was not born in the era of kings such as Wen Wang and Wu Wang, so he told his students about the two forms of society he yearned for - Xiaokang, Datong.

Confucius pointed out that Datong is a society where "the way of the road is also the way, and the world is for the public". not closed". If Datong is to be realized, the Dao must be practiced in the world, and everyone in the whole country, from the emperor down to the common people, abides by the "Dao", voluntarily works for others, and lives for others. And all of this is based on respecting heaven and believing in God. People look at their hearts with a humble attitude. People with pure minds understand the connotation of doing good and the ending of doing evil, and spread it.

In this way, people will naturally care about other people's children as their own, and treat other people's relatives as their own. People no longer have the idea of ​​harming others, and there is no such thing as using tactics to calculate others for self-interest, and criminals will naturally disappear.

However, with the development and changes of society, the avenues have declined, human morality has generally declined, and selfish desires have become more and more serious. As the saying goes, "Since the Dao is hidden, the world is a family, each relative is relatives, and each son is his son." Therefore, people need to follow the "propriety and righteousness as discipline", "if anyone is not like this, those in power will go, and everyone will think it is a disaster, which is called well-off." Because the Dao has been hidden, people just regard their relatives as relatives and treat themselves Treat your child as a child, and care is no longer extended to others, so etiquette must be followed. If someone does not abide by the rules of etiquette and righteousness, people will regard him as a scourge and make him fall into isolation. This is Xiaokang. - Article excerpts

Carefully imagine the Datong society mentioned by Confucius, what a wonderful society it is! Everyone regards other people's sorrow as sorrow, and everyone regards other people's happiness as happiness. People who grow up in this society are also very kind. Uncle, the environment here is like Datong. Uncle taught us to be a good person first, earnestly study the ancient Chinese benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, take kindness to others as the starting point, kill the evil side in our hearts, do not yield to the strong, and empathize with the weak. Living in this environment, our hearts are also very happy. People with dark hearts often only think about themselves, and their daily lives are very tiring.

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