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Alice Han 雨霏

失去信仰的后果 Consequences of Losing Belief


一开始,老爷爷只是礼貌地向我们打招呼,与我们简单交谈了几句之后,他便坐到了我们旁边的一张桌子。吃完饭,我们就准备离开了,在经过老爷爷的时候,他突然向我们提起了老电影并询问我们是否喜欢它们。他告诉我们他对许多老电影以及老式录音机和音乐都很熟悉。他还说他的弟弟曾经拥有一支著名乐队,并讲了一个有趣的故事:那时候,有一位富有的英国人打电话给他弟弟,想要购买一台老式录音机。正好,老爷爷在二手店花了几块钱买了一台老式录音机,而他的弟弟将它以1000块钱卖给了那位英国人,最后他弟弟也将其中的800块给了老爷爷……他还向我们推荐了几部电影,并分享了一个可以快速下载老电影的网站。他用一张便签纸记下了这些信息给了我们。我们在吃饭的时候,还注意到他拿出一本书,我们最初以为那是个笔记本,但后来发现他在解数独题。我们猜测他是否是个教授或老师,但他却带有些许落寞的神情告诉我们:“Oh, no, no, I’m just an old man...”今年,他75岁了。61岁那年,他曾经经历过一次心脏病发作,而他的母亲也因心脏病去世。那时他以为自己也会不久于人世,但他幸运地挺过了那次病痛。不过在和我们聊天的时候,他经常咳嗽并且会忘记自己想说的话,他告诉我们他咳嗽是因为他住在一个地下室,那里有很多灰尘,所以导致他经常咳嗽。而他会忘记想说的话则是那次心脏病发作的后遗症……在和这个老爷爷交流的过程中,我能清晰的感到他很孤独。最后我们本应该回家了,但由于他一直在说话,我们便站在那里听他讲了很久。他似乎已经很久没有与人进行过如此长时间的对话了。


I was struck by an encounter we had with an old grandpa while eating at McDonald's last week.

At first, the old man just greeted us politely, and after a brief conversation with us, he sat down at a table next to us. After eating, we were about to leave, when passing by the old man, he suddenly mentioned old movies to us and asked if we liked them. He told us he was familiar with many old movies as well as vintage tape recorders and music. He also said that his younger brother once owned a famous band, and told an interesting story: At that time, a rich Englishman called his younger brother, wanting to buy an old-fashioned tape recorder. It just so happened that the old man bought an old-fashioned tape recorder for a few dollars at a second-hand store, and his younger brother sold it to the Englishman for 1,000 dollars, and finally his brother gave 800 dollars of it to the old man …He also recommended a few movies to us and shared a website where you can quickly download older movies. He wrote this information down on a post-it note and gave it to us. While we were eating, we also noticed him pull out a book, which we initially thought was a notebook, but then turned out to be solving a Sudoku puzzle. We guessed whether he was a professor or a teacher, but he told us with a slightly lonely look: "Oh, no, no, I'm just an old man..." This year, he is 75 years old. At the age of 61, he once experienced a heart attack, and his mother also died of a heart attack. At that time, he thought that he would die soon, but he was lucky to survive that illness. But when chatting with us, he often coughs and forgets what he wants to say. He told us that he coughs because he lives in a basement where there is a lot of dust, so he often coughs. And he will forget what he wants to say is the sequelae of that heart attack... In the process of communicating with this old man, I can clearly feel that he is lonely. In the end we were supposed to go home, but since he kept talking, we just stood there listening to him for a long time. It seemed like he hadn't had such a long conversation with someone in a long time.

This experience really made me feel the importance of faith to a person. Now, fewer and fewer people in the world believe in the existence of God, especially for the elderly in Western society, without belief in God, life will become lonely and even painful. Faith is more than just an idea or spiritual power. Faith allows us to connect with God, letting us know that we are never alone, and that God will give us strength, courage and guidance even in our darkest moments. Only faith in God can make us truly understand the meaning and purpose of life, and bring us happiness while making us a kinder person.

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