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多样的天气Various weather


最近比较有意思,阴雨天总是准时在周六出现。在进入夏季后,雨下的也越来越频繁了。忽上忽下的温度已成为这个季节的常态。清晨叔叔带着我们在公园晨练的时候,户外的花草上可以看到露水都已经结成了冰霜。而中午又经常出现三伏天般的太阳。这周六早上,雨一如既往的下了起来。到中午雨小一些的时候,我们要出去把院子里的草稍微修剪一下。而这时刚好发现院子里长了些韭菜,于是叔叔让我们顺便把韭菜也收集了回来,这样下次还可以再吃一回美味的韭菜饺子。下午雨基本就停了。到第二天就是晴天了,于是下午又可以出门运动了。 various weather

It's been interesting recently, the rainy days always appear on Saturdays on time. After entering the summer, it rains more and more frequently. Ups and downs in temperature have become the norm this season. When my uncle took us to exercise in the park in the early morning, we could see that the dew had turned into frost on the flowers and plants outside. At noon, the dog-like sun often appears. This Saturday morning, it started to rain as usual. When the rain is less at noon, we will go out and trim the grass in the yard a little. At this time, I just found some leeks growing in the yard, so my uncle asked us to collect the leeks by the way, so that we can eat delicious leek dumplings next time. The rain basically stopped in the afternoon. It was sunny the next day, so I could go out to exercise again in the afternoon.

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