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Alice Han 雨霏



查尔斯·莱特勒是泰坦尼克二副,他是最后一个从冰冷的海水中被拖上救生船、职位最高的生还者。他写下了17页的回忆录,讲述了沉船灾难的细节。面对沉船灾难,船长命令先让妇女和儿童上救生艇,许多乘客显得十分平静,一些人则拒绝与家人分开。例如亚斯特四世(当时世界第一首富)把怀着五个月身孕的妻子送上4号救生艇后,站在甲板上,带着他的狗,点燃一根雪茄烟,对划向远处的小艇最后呼喊:我爱你们!斯特劳斯,世界第二巨富、美国梅西百货公司创始人,他无论用什么方法,他的太太罗莎莉始终拒绝上八号救生艇,她说:多少年来,你去哪我去哪,我会陪你去你要去的任何地方。最后这对老夫妇蹒跚地走到甲板的藤椅上坐下,等待着最后的时刻。还有一位母亲的两个孩子被抱上了救生艇,但由于超载她坐不上去了,这时一位已经坐上救生艇的女士起身离座,把她推上了救生艇并喊了一声:上去吧,孩子不能没有母亲!死难者还有亿万富翁阿斯德、炮兵少校巴特、著名工程师罗布尔......他们把救生艇的位置让,出来,给那些身无分文的农家妇女。 读完文章,在感动之余我也明白了这些绅士与女士之所以能成功正是因为他们的善良,成功并不是偶然的,成功与好运不是别人给予的,而是自己争取的,但争取不是刻意的,而是与人为善的,让善良充斥在自己心中,他人也一定会感受到你的善意,并以相同的方式对待或报答你。这些亿万富翁、成功人士也是一样的,而他们能将他们的善良延续到生命的最后一刻是多么的伟大与令人感动啊!

This week we read an article about the details of the sinking of the Titanic.

Charles Lightler, second mate of the Titanic, was the last highest-ranking survivor to be dragged aboard a lifeboat from the icy waters. He wrote a 17-page memoir with details of the shipwreck disaster. In the face of the sinking disaster, the captain ordered women and children to get on the lifeboats first, and many passengers appeared very calm, while some refused to be separated from their families. For example, after Astor IV (the richest man in the world at the time) put his five-month-pregnant wife on lifeboat No. 4, he stood on the deck, took his dog, lit a cigar, and rowed far away. At the end of the boat shouted: I love you! Strauss, the second richest man in the world and the founder of Macy's department store in the United States, no matter what method he uses, his wife Rosalie always refuses to get on the No. 8 lifeboat. She said: For so many years, where do you go, where do I go? , I will accompany you wherever you go. Finally the old couple stumbled to the deck wicker chairs and sat down, waiting for the last moment. Another mother's two children were carried into the lifeboat, but she couldn't sit because of the overload. At this time, a woman who was already in the lifeboat got up and got out of her seat, pushed her into the lifeboat and shouted: go up , a child cannot live without a mother! The dead also included the billionaire Asid, the artillery major Bart, and the famous engineer Roble... They gave up the lifeboats and came out to those penniless peasant women. After reading the article, in addition to being touched, I also understood that the success of these gentlemen and ladies is precisely because of their kindness. Success is not accidental. It is not intentional, but kind to others. Let kindness fill your heart, and others will definitely feel your kindness and treat or repay you in the same way. It's the same with these billionaires and successful people, and how great and touching they are to continue their kindness to the end of their lives!


Since uncle is usually very busy with work, I have been helping my uncle to sort out the bills for girls every time they shop since last year. Although this may seem inconspicuous, it is not easy to do. First you need to categorize, then label what everyone buys, and finally do the calculations. You must also be careful not to make mistakes when calculating. Once you make a mistake, you must redo all the steps, so you must calm down and do it slowly. Through this work, I have learned that I must not be impetuous in doing things. If I do not meditate on things, I will not only make things worse, but also waste time. So I hope that everyone can calm down when doing things, and don't wait until the end to regret it when you don't do it well.

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