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Mountain Shen 小山

初春短文两则Two short articles in early spring


这周叔叔带我们去看了震撼人心的演出,其中一名为“单骑救主”的节目令我印象深刻,剧中讲述了三国时期常山赵子龙长坂坡单骑救少主的英勇事迹。 赵子龙是一位英雄,他身材高大威猛,豪气干云,武艺高强,擅长马上单骑冲锋,威震敌阵。在长坂坡的战场上,赵子龙一人独闯敌阵,杀出重围,成功营救了刘备的幼子刘禅,可谓是一次震惊天下的壮举。 赵子龙的英勇事迹,让我深深地感受到了男子汉的气概。作为一名男子汉,我们应该拥有强大的内心,无畏的勇气和不屈的精神。在面对困难和危险时,我们应该毫不犹豫地挺身而出,用自己的力量和勇气去面对,去解决。 赵子龙的事迹也展现了英雄的精神。在赵子龙的身上,我们看到了他对于信仰的坚持,对于正义的追求。他不顾个人安危,冒着生命危险去救援刘备的儿子,体现了英雄主义的精神。这种精神不仅是一种品质,更是一种人生态度。 当今社会,多数人们早已没有了古代英雄向我们体现的男子汉气概,英雄主义,风靡在年轻人群体中的所有时尚,潮流,则一直使新生代的道德发生扭曲,行为受到变异,就像一篇文章的标题写的:男的越来越像流氓,女的越来越像狐狸精。如果没有一个好的教育或信仰的力量,人类传统的文化将会逐渐消失。而叔叔在教育我们的过程中,就是在不断的培养我们在思想上,行动上都“往回返”,返回到古人的那种知书达礼,明辨是非的状态,对于男生来讲,最终都会拥有男子汉气概,作为一个正人君子生活在世界上。 “单骑救主”这部剧给了我很多启示。古代的经典故事都向我们阐述了作为一个真正的人需要具备的优秀品质,我们应该多去看,多去学习,从中不断的提高,不断的归正自己,不断提升道德水平和精神境界。同时,我们也要学习赵子龙的英雄主义精神,勇于担当,积极行动,敢于为正义和真理而奋斗。


这周发生了很多有意思的事情,春天的气息也越来越清晰了起来,所以思来想去,题目就姑且称之为“初春的一周”吧,多伦多的大地开始变得绿意盎然。原本干枯的土地,冒出了新的绿芽,让人感到一丝生机勃勃的气息。这一周的天气也变得温暖起来,不再像往常那样寒冷,终于可以走到室外,享受春天的阳光和清新的空气。 每天早晨,我都会从窗户往外看,朝霞的美丽让我感到心旷神怡。柔和的光线洒在树枝上,形成了一道道渐变的颜色,从浅黄到深红,仿佛画了一幅美丽的水彩画。傍晚时分,夕阳也格外美丽。金色的阳光洒在城市的大楼上,让整个城市显得温暖而宁静。 除了欣赏大自然的美丽,这个初春的一周也是一个体育的好时节。天气变得温暖,让人不再像冬天那样待在室内。大家终于可以在室外打篮球了,享受春天的阳光和清新的空气。我们跑来跑去,相互投篮,比赛,尽情享受着这个美好的季节。 除此之外,因为课程需要,我们还驱车去了一次英语老师家里学着做了一顿美味的石锅拌饭,过程很难忘,留下了很多美好的回忆。荣幸的是这次活动往返我都在驾驶,也是第一次一个人开这么长的路,所以对自己来说也是难能可贵的,随着驾驶技术越来越娴熟,以后自己也可以做更多有意义的事情了。 周中我们还给博威哥过了19岁生日,突然感觉过得好快,一转眼刚来时十四五岁的他已经是一个成年人了,在叔叔的教导下,我们相处的过程中,他也有着很多其他人所不具备的优秀品质,他的善良,担当,为他人着想的心态都是我们需要去学习的榜样。也许生日party并不盛大,但是却很温馨,快乐。我们拍了视频以及合影,这是每个叔叔这里的学生生日都会做的事情,也是留给未来的珍贵记忆。 总的来说,初春的一周是一个美好而充实的时期。这个时期,大地逐渐开始变得生机勃勃,天气也变得温暖起来,让人可以享受各种户外活动。同时,各式各样的趣事发生在大家身边,很快乐,很珍贵。这个时期也是一个感恩的时期,感恩大自然的赐予,感恩叔叔和朋友的陪伴。

solo savior

This week, my uncle took us to see shocking performances, one of which was "Riding Alone to the Savior" which impressed me deeply. The play told the heroic deeds of Zhao Zilong and Chang Banpo in Changshan during the Three Kingdoms period to save the young lord by riding alone.

Zhao Zilong is a hero. He is tall and mighty, heroic and powerful, with strong martial arts skills. He is good at charging alone on horseback, shocking the enemy. On the battlefield of Changbanpo, Zhao Zilong broke into the enemy's formation alone, broke through the siege, and successfully rescued Liu Bei's youngest son Liu Chan, which can be described as a feat that shocked the world.

Zhao Zilong's heroic deeds made me deeply feel the masculinity of a man. As a man, we should have a strong heart, fearless courage and unyielding spirit. In the face of difficulties and dangers, we should stand up without hesitation, face and solve them with our own strength and courage.

Zhao Zilong's deeds also showed the spirit of a hero. In Zhao Zilong, we see his persistence in faith and pursuit of justice. Regardless of personal safety, he risked his life to rescue Liu Bei's son, which embodies the spirit of heroism. This spirit is not only a quality, but also an attitude towards life.

In today's society, most people have long lost the masculinity and heroism shown to us by ancient heroes. All the fashions and trends that are popular among young people have been distorting the morals and behaviors of the new generation, just like an article The title of the article reads: Men are becoming more and more like hooligans, and women are becoming more and more like vixen. Without a good education or the power of faith, human traditional culture will gradually disappear. In the process of educating us, uncle is constantly cultivating us to "return" in thought and action, returning to the ancient state of knowing the book, being polite, and distinguishing right from wrong. For boys, they will eventually have Manly, live in the world as a man of integrity.

The play "Riding the Savior Alone" gave me a lot of inspiration. The ancient classic stories have explained to us the excellent qualities that a real person needs to possess. We should read more, learn more, and constantly improve from it, constantly correct ourselves, and constantly improve our moral level and spiritual realm. At the same time, we must also learn from Zhao Zilong's heroism, be brave to take responsibility, take active actions, and dare to fight for justice and truth.

week in early spring

A lot of interesting things happened this week, and the breath of spring is becoming clearer and clearer, so after thinking about it, let’s call it "a week in early spring", and the land of Toronto has begun to become green. The original dry land, new green shoots emerged, making people feel a breath of vitality. The weather has also warmed up this week, and it is no longer as cold as usual. It is finally possible to go outside and enjoy the spring sunshine and fresh air.

Every morning, I look out of the window, and I feel refreshed by the beauty of the morning glow. The soft light sprinkles on the branches, forming a gradient of colors, from light yellow to deep red, as if painting a beautiful watercolor painting. In the evening, the sunset is also very beautiful. The golden sunlight shines on the buildings in the city, making the whole city look warm and peaceful.

Besides admiring the beauty of nature, this early spring week is also a good time for sports. The weather is getting warmer and people are not staying indoors like winter. Everyone can finally play basketball outside and enjoy the spring sunshine and fresh air. We were running around, shooting each other, playing, enjoying what a great season it was.

In addition, because of the needs of the course, we also drove to the English teacher's house to learn how to cook a delicious bibimbap. The process was very unforgettable and left many good memories. I am honored that I have been driving to and from this event, and it is also the first time that I have driven such a long distance alone, so it is also very valuable to me. As the driving skills become more and more proficient, I can do more in the future. meaningful thing.

We also celebrated Bowei’s 19th birthday in the middle of the week, and suddenly felt that it passed so quickly. He was already an adult when he was fourteen or fifteen years old when he first arrived. Under the guidance of his uncle, we got along , He also has many excellent qualities that other people do not have. His kindness, responsibility, and attitude of thinking about others are all examples we need to learn from. Maybe the birthday party is not grand, but it is very warm and happy. We took a video and took a group photo. This is what every student here will do on their birthday, and it is also a precious memory for the future.

Overall, the week of early spring is a wonderful and fulfilling time. During this period, the land gradually begins to come alive and the weather warms up, allowing people to enjoy various outdoor activities. At the same time, all kinds of interesting things happen around us, which is very happy and precious. This period is also a period of gratitude, thanks to the gift of nature, and to the company of uncles and friends.

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